How to Get vROps Authentication Token

Getting a vROps authentication token is an essential step in accessing and interacting with the vRealize Operations platform. This token serves as a form of identification and authorization, allowing users to perform various tasks and operations within the vROps environment.

To obtain an authentication token for vROps, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, you need to ensure that you have the necessary credentials and permissions to access the vROps platform. This typically involves having the appropriate administrative privileges or being part of a user group with the necessary access rights.

Once you have confirmed your credentials, you can proceed to the next step, which is accessing the vROps API. The vROps API provides a set of endpoints and methods that allow you to interact with the platform programmatically. By leveraging the API, you can automate tasks, retrieve data, and perform various administrative functions.

To access the vROps API, you will need to make an HTTP request to the appropriate endpoint. This can be done using various programming languages or tools that support HTTP requests, such as cURL or Postman. The endpoint URL typically follows a specific format, including the vROps server address and the API version.

Once you have successfully made a request to the vROps API, you will receive a response containing various details and information. One of the crucial pieces of information in this response is the authentication token. This token is typically included in the response headers, specifically the “X-vRealizeOps-API-Token” header.

To extract the authentication token from the response headers, you can use the appropriate programming language or tool to parse the response. Once you have obtained the token, you can store it securely and use it for subsequent API requests. It is important to note that the authentication token typically has an expiration time, so you may need to refresh or obtain a new token periodically.

With the vROps authentication token in hand, you can now perform various operations within the vRealize Operations platform. This includes querying and retrieving metrics, generating reports, managing alerts and notifications, and much more. The authentication token serves as your key to accessing the full capabilities of vROps and leveraging its powerful features for monitoring and managing your virtualized infrastructure.

In conclusion, obtaining a vROps authentication token is a crucial step in accessing and utilizing the vRealize Operations platform. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can obtain an authentication token and unlock the full potential of vROps for your organization’s virtualized environment.

Step 1: Access the vROps API Explorer

The first step is to access the vROps API Explorer, which is a web-based tool that allows you to interact with the vROps REST API. To access the API Explorer, open a web browser and enter the URL of your vROps instance followed by “/suite-api.”

For example, if your vROps instance is hosted at “,” the URL for the API Explorer would be “”

Once you have entered the URL in the web browser, you will be directed to the vROps API Explorer interface. This interface provides a user-friendly way to explore and interact with the vROps REST API. It allows you to perform various operations such as querying for metrics, retrieving alerts, managing resources, and more.
The API Explorer is organized into different sections, each representing a specific aspect of the vROps API. These sections include “Metrics,” “Alerts,” “Resources,” “Groups,” “Views,” and more. Each section contains a set of endpoints that you can interact with.
To begin using the API Explorer, you need to authenticate yourself. Depending on your vROps configuration, you may be prompted to enter your credentials or use a token-based authentication method. Once authenticated, you will have access to the full functionality of the API Explorer.
In the “Metrics” section, you can query for various metrics available in your vROps instance. This allows you to retrieve real-time and historical data for different resources and entities. You can specify the time range, granularity, and filters to narrow down your search and retrieve the desired metrics.
The “Alerts” section provides access to the alerts generated by vROps. You can retrieve a list of active alerts, acknowledge or resolve alerts, and even create custom alert definitions. This section is particularly useful for monitoring and managing the health and performance of your environment.
The “Resources” section allows you to manage the resources in your vROps instance. You can retrieve information about resources, create new resources, update their properties, and even delete them if necessary. This section is essential for managing the infrastructure and ensuring its proper functioning.
In addition to these sections, the API Explorer also provides access to other functionalities such as managing groups, views, reports, and more. Each section offers a range of operations that can be performed using the vROps REST API.
Overall, the vROps API Explorer is a powerful tool that enables you to interact with the vROps REST API in a user-friendly manner. It provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting your vROps environment. By leveraging the capabilities of the API Explorer, you can automate tasks, integrate vROps with other systems, and gain deeper insights into your environment’s performance and health.

Step 2: Authenticate with vROps

Once you have accessed the API Explorer, you will need to authenticate with your vROps instance. To do this, click on the “POST /api/auth/token/acquire” endpoint in the API Explorer.

In the request body, you will need to provide your vROps username and password. Enter your credentials in the following format:

"username": "your_username",
"password": "your_password"

After entering your credentials, click the “Try it out!” button to send the request.

When you click the “Try it out!” button, the API Explorer will send a request to the vROps instance with the provided credentials. The vROps instance will then verify the credentials and generate an authentication token if they are valid.

The authentication token is a unique identifier that allows you to make subsequent API calls without having to provide your username and password again. It acts as a form of authentication, ensuring that only authorized users can access the vROps API.

Once the authentication token is acquired, it will be returned in the response from the vROps instance. You can then use this token in the “Authorization” header of your API requests to authenticate yourself.

It is important to note that the authentication token has an expiration time. After a certain period of inactivity, the token will expire and you will need to acquire a new one by following the same authentication process.

By authenticating with vROps using the API Explorer, you gain access to all the available API endpoints and can perform various operations on your vROps instance programmatically. This allows you to automate tasks, retrieve data, and integrate vROps with other systems or tools.

Now that you have successfully authenticated with vROps, you can proceed to explore and utilize the different API endpoints provided by the vROps API.

Step 3: Retrieve the Authentication Token

If the authentication request is successful, you will receive a response containing the authentication token. The token will be a long string of characters.

To retrieve the authentication token, scroll down to the “Response Body” section in the API Explorer. The token will be displayed under the “access_token” field.

"access_token": "your_authentication_token",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600

Make note of the authentication token as you will need it to authenticate future requests to the vROps API.

Once you have obtained the authentication token, it is important to store it securely. The authentication token serves as a digital signature that verifies your identity and allows you to access protected resources within the vROps API. Without this token, your requests will be rejected by the API server.
When making subsequent requests to the vROps API, you will need to include the authentication token in the headers of your HTTP requests. This can be done by adding an “Authorization” header with the value “Bearer your_authentication_token”. The API server will then validate the token and grant access to the requested resources if the token is valid.
It is important to note that the authentication token has an expiration time, as indicated by the “expires_in” field in the response. By default, the token will be valid for 3600 seconds (1 hour). After this period, you will need to request a new authentication token by repeating the authentication process.
To ensure the security of your application, it is recommended to periodically refresh the authentication token before it expires. This can be done by implementing a token refresh mechanism that automatically requests a new token when the current one is about to expire. This way, you can ensure uninterrupted access to the vROps API without the need for manual intervention.
In addition to the authentication token, the response also provides information about the token type. In this case, the token type is “Bearer”, which is a widely used type for authentication tokens. The token type can be used by the API client to determine the appropriate method of authentication when making requests to the API server.
By following these steps and properly managing the authentication token, you can securely authenticate and access the vROps API. This will enable you to leverage the full capabilities of vROps and integrate it into your own applications or workflows.

Step 4: Using the Authentication Token

Now that you have obtained the authentication token, you can use it to authenticate subsequent requests to the vROps API. To do this, you will need to include the authentication token in the “Authorization” header of your API requests.

The header should be in the following format:

Authorization: Bearer your_authentication_token

Replace “your_authentication_token” with the actual token you obtained in Step 3.

By including the authentication token in the header, you will be able to access and interact with the various endpoints of the vROps API.

Once you have successfully authenticated your requests with the authentication token, you can start making API calls to retrieve data from the vROps API. The authentication token acts as a key that grants you access to the resources and functionality provided by the API.

For example, you can use the authentication token to retrieve information about the performance and health of your virtual infrastructure. You can make a GET request to the “/api/resources” endpoint to retrieve a list of all the resources in your vROps environment. This can include virtual machines, hosts, clusters, datastores, and more.

Additionally, you can use the authentication token to perform actions on your resources. For example, you can make a POST request to the “/api/actions” endpoint to initiate a remediation action on a resource that is experiencing performance issues. This could involve restarting a virtual machine, migrating it to a different host, or adjusting resource allocation.

By utilizing the authentication token in your API requests, you can automate and streamline various operations within your vROps environment. This can help you monitor and manage your virtual infrastructure more efficiently, saving time and resources.

It is important to note that the authentication token has an expiration time. After a certain period, the token will no longer be valid, and you will need to obtain a new one by following the authentication process again. This ensures the security of your API requests and prevents unauthorized access to your vROps environment.

In conclusion, the authentication token obtained in Step 3 is a crucial component for interacting with the vROps API. By including it in the “Authorization” header of your API requests, you can access and manipulate the resources and functionality provided by the API. This allows you to monitor and manage your virtual infrastructure more effectively, ultimately improving the performance and health of your environment.

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